Submit Your Video Audition For The 2025 Season of The Mighty Sound of Maryland!
Video and form submission must be received by July 1st. Questions? Email us anytime at
The University of Maryland "Mighty Sound of Maryland" Marching Band provides a college experience like no other, performing at every home football game, traveling to select away games, and creating the loudest and most dedicated Terrapin cheering section anywhere! All majors are welcome!
MSOM Early Week
*full participation is mandatory for all members
Leadership: August 20-29
Percussion, Color Guard: August 20-29
Brass, Woodwinds, Dance Team, Twirlers: August 21-29
*housing provided for on-campus residents / lunch & dinner provided to all
MSOM Semester Rehearsal Schedule
ALL - MWF 3-5 p.m. & Tu 6:30-8:30 p.m.
Percussion, Color Guard Th 6:30-8:30 p.m.
The UMD Athletic Bands are open to ALL UMD students, regardless of major. We perform at all home football and volleyball games, exhibitions, and community events. To start your journey and become part of our band family, please submit the Video Audition Form or email the UMD Bands Office at with any questions.
FALL 2025 INFORMATION: To get involved with the "Mighty Sound of Maryland," there are two simple steps:
1) Complete the Video Audition Form
2) Register for the Fall 2025 courses: MUSC 229F (1 credit hour) AND either MUSC 229G (winds), MUSC229I (guard, twirlers, drumline) or MUSC229K (dance team) at your Summer Orientation
After July 1st we can still accept members, but this will only be on a case by case basis (and we may not be able to provide on-campus Early Week housing.)
If you are interested but not quite ready to commit and would like more info - be sure to visit our Virtual Open House (available 24/7), our FAQ page, or visit our info booth at any of the New Student Orientations held on campus throughout the summer!
All new and incoming wind, drumline, and guard performers are required to submit a video audition to join MSOM. For drumline, the live audition to determine section placements occurs the Saturday before the start of Early Week. Playing assessments for winds occur at the beginning of Early Week to determine part assignments. Previous experience is NOT required for color guard membership. Wind or drumline membership may be possible for those with no previous experience on a case by case basis.
Dance Team Audition Information
Video and form submission must be received by July 1st. Questions? Email us anytime at